LAST WILDERNESS New Album From Blair Petrie
A 75 minute compact disc album released July 7, 2022 featuring four new pieces including the sweeping 58 minute plus Last Wilderness. The album moves through captured sounds and musical interpretations of the last remnant wild spaces which diminish daily with the onslaught of industrial rape and pillage to satisfy humanity’s rapacious appetite for more stuff.
A wide variety of musical styles - from programmatic to free to jazz to polytonality to various electronic forms from ambient to experimental - flood through the pieces.
It’s so great to have longtime local soundscapist Petrie making music again, as his sense of environmental atmospherics has always delivered. Apparently taken with recording some birdsongs, he just let the muse take him where it did and the resulting nearly hour-long title track is fantastic with its mix of synths, field recordings, clanging beats, dissonant riffs and classical twists. The violin break around the 12 minute-mark came as a total surprise. The mutated cascade of choruses of Lost are spooky and satisfying.
Stuart Derdeyn, Vancouver Sun, September 2, 2022
“Blair’s most accessible music to date, evoking Shades of T. Dream circa ATEM or ZEIT period, hints of Pink Floyd and Michael Oldfield, yet still UNIQUELY Blair Petrie
The Opus clocks in at 75 minutes plus, comprised of the lengthy “THE LAST WILDERNESS” followed by 3 shorter pieces to round out a fantastic new CD from (a) Prolific Musician.. ”